Yes, The nokia Asha 210 is not available and it does not support the platform that has been used in developing the Viber application, since The viber only Support limited and the newly release Products of nokia which is running with windows 7. Nokia E52,Nokia E75, Nokia N97, Nokia 5730 XpressMusic, Nokia N86, etc Added support for BlackBerry Bold. Contoh: menambah OHS, skin pemutar musik, sertifikat danmark DLL. Selamat paggie semua di manapun anda berada, kali ini saya akan mem-posting Aplikasi Ox圜ube apaan noh.? Yaitu aplikasi yang kegunaannya meng-explore folder sistem dalam Hp sobat. Oxycube For Nokia S40 Average ratng: 4,6/5 7915reviews